Intimate with the Pure Life

Intimate with the Pure Life

Water and Sanitation


Future of water, sanitation and hygiene……


                   Water is essential for human life. Do you know that 2.2 billion people lack access to safely managed drinking water and 4.2 billion people lack safely managed sanitation services. This major problem affects people’s health. Part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to achieve better future for all is the call for universal access to clean water.  Modern technology often plays an important role by providing efficient solutions to some of the problems associated with water sanitation and hygiene. This new innovative technologies are important in managing limited freshwater resources in sanitation of scarcity, threats to the quality of water supply and many more.  Some of those new technologies are solar power water filtration, fog catchers, desalination water from the sea, the drinkable book, water from air, the life straw. 



                  In developing countries 80% of untreated waste is discharged to waterways. Developed water filtration systems like the SunSpring Hybrid a self-contained portable solar and wind powered system that provides 20,000 liters of clean water per day.   


                The mist is passed through a wave of large vertical nets and trickles into a collection system where it is filtered and mixed with groundwater. This method is not a new method. But new advancements has made it more efficient. The slope of Mount Boutmeguida is the largest fog harvesting project in the world.


                 Countries that are made up of large percentage of deserts and the countries that has been experiencing drought conditions for many years are using this technology. It is a process that removes salt and minerals from seawater. Israel is using this method since 1960. Today 60% of country’s domestic water comes from desalination.


                 This is an education and water filtration tool in the form of a drinkable book. Every page of this book contains basic water and sanitation advices which are printed on scientific coffee filter paper that can be used to purify water and reduce 99.9% of bacteria.


                 This technology is called the Source Hydro panel. Solar energy heats a sponge like material to create condensation that is collected in a 30L reservoir. Then that water is filtered and minerals are added.


                 It is a portable drinking straw. This is an innovative solution to have a healthier and more sustainable world. This straw can filter dirty unsafe water and make it safe to drink. This can purifies a minimum of 1000L of water.

              Every person needs at least 20-50 L of clean water a day to have a healthy life. We’re still far away from that goal and it will take a global effort to make this a reality. These innovative technologies can help us to achieve a better future for all.   





Article By : Rashmi Jayasinghe 

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