Sanitation coverage in Sr Lanka is 92% the best in South Asia. Areas to improve would be rural school sanitation, sanitation facilities for the disabled and the problem of ground water contamination. Drinking water coverage is 94% and the remaining 6 % of the population consumes water by purchasing plastic containers, by walking more than two kilometers, or from rivers, streams, or unprotected wells. Efforts are being made to identify these communities to provide them with improved water supply facilities. 

Hygiene is practiced in urban and semi urban environments. Rural communities are being educated on proper hygiene practices whenever possible using the services of public health inspectors, public health midwives and medical officers of health. Whenever a water supply project is imitated in rural area a health education component is included for this purpose. In this manner Sri Lanka is forgoing ahead to provide its people with good sanitation, safe drinking water and health education to live a healthy life.

Drinking water was repeatedly supplied using water tankers to top up the available storage tanks and plastic cans. Temporary shelters were provided where appropriate at schools,  temples and community centers where basic sanitation facilities are available. Sri Lanka is going ahead with the vision of A society that values the sustainable use of its water to achieve the goal of an environment conductive to balanced social and economic development by 2015. 
Article by: Rtr. Hiruni Madhubashini